Средневековые женщины-святые в христианской традиции, ок.1100 - ок.1500 / Под ред. А. Миннис, Р. Воаден (2010): "Medieval Holy Women in the Christian Tradition" offers the first wide-ranging study of the remarkable women who contributed to the efflorescence of female piety and visionary experience in Europe between 1100 and 1500. This volume offers essays by prominent scholars in the field which extend the boundaries of our previous knowledge and understanding of medieval holy women. While some essays provide new perspectives on the familiar names of the unofficial canon of mulieres sanctae, many others bring into the spotlight women less familiar now, but influential in their own time and richly deserving of scholarly attention. The five general essays establish a context for understanding the issues affecting female religious witness in the later Middle Ages. The geographical arrangement of the volume allows the reader to develop an awareness of the particular cultural and religious forces in seven different regions and to recognize how these influenced the writing and reception of the holy women of that area. Seventeen major figures have essays devoted exclusively to each of them; in addition, the survey chapters on each region introduce the reader to many more. The extensive bibliographies which follow each chapter encourage further reading and study. CONTENTS Introduction 1 ALASTAIR MINNIS AND ROSALYNN VOADEN Introductory Essays Flesh and Spirit: The Female Body 13 DYAN ELLIOTT Religious Roles: Public and Private 47 ALASTAIR MINNIS Women’s Textual Authority and the Collaboration of Clerics 83 JOHN COAKLEY Communal Life: The Sister-books 105 JOHN VAN ENGEN Women and Dissent 133 PETER BILLER Part 1: The British Isles Holy Women in the British Isles: A Survey 165 ANNE CLARK BARTLETT Julian of Norwich 195 LIZ HERBERT McAVOY Margery Kempe 217 ANTHONY GOODMAN Part 2: France Holy Women in France: A Survey 241 RENATE BLUMENFELD-KOSINSKI Heloise 267 CONSTANT J. MEWS Marguerite Porete 291 MICHAEL G. SARGENT Part 3: The German Territories Holy Women in the German Territories: A Survey 313 ANNEKE B. MULDER-BAKKER Hildegard of Bingen 343 KATHRYN KERBY-FULTON Elisabeth of Schönau 371 ANNE L. CLARK Margaret Ebner 393 BARBARA KOCH Mechthild of Magdeburg 411 AMY HOLLYWOOD AND PATRICIA Z. BECKMAN Mechtild of Hackeborn 431 ROSALYNN VOADEN Gertrude the Great of Helfta 453 ALEXANDRA BARRATT AND DEBRA L. STOUDT Dorothy of Montau 475 UTE STARGARDT Part 4: The Iberian Peninsula Iberian Holy Women: A Survey 499 RONALD E. SURTZ Part 5: Italy Italian Holy Women: A Survey 529 E. ANN MATTER Agnes of Prague and Guglielma of Milan 557 BARBARA NEWMAN Angela of Foligno 581 CRISTINA MAZZONI Catherine of Siena 601 SUZANNE NOFFKE Part 6: The Low Countries Holy Women of the Low Countries: A Survey 625 WALTER SIMONS https://www.academia.edu/7757299/Holy_Women_of_the_Low_Countries_A_Survey Hadewijch 663 SASKIA MURK-JANSEN Part 7: Scandinavia Holy Women of Scandinavia: A Survey 689 CLAIRE L. SAHLIN List of Contributors 725 Index 729 Рецензии: https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/tmr/article/view/17357 https://ir.uiowa.edu/mff/vol47/iss1/9/ http://cms.flu.cas.cz/cz/casopis/anotace/medieval-holy-women-in-the-christian-tradition-c-1100-c-1500.html https://www.h-france.net/vol11reviews/vol11no137Field.pdf https://www.perspectivia.net/publikationen/francia/francia-recensio/2012-1/MA/minnis-voaden_kirakosian https://muse.jhu.edu/article/520800 https://studifrancesi.revues.org/1736 http://ojs.letras.up.pt/index.php/mediaevalia/article/view/2323