Ирина Мецлер, "Дураки и идиоты? Умственная отсталость в средние века", 2016: "Fools and idiots?" is the first book devoted to the cultural history in the pre-modern period of people we now describe as having learning disabilities. Using an interdisciplinary approach, including historical semantics, medicine, natural philosophy and law, Irina Metzler considers a neglected field of social and medical history and makes an original contribution to the problem of a shifting concept such as 'idiocy'. Medieval physicians, lawyers and the schoolmen of the emerging universities wrote the texts which shaped medieval definitions of intellectual ability and its counterpart, disability. In studying such texts, which form part of our contemporary scientific and cultural heritage, we gain a better understanding of which people were considered to be intellectually disabled, and how their participation and inclusion in society differed from the situation today. This book will be required reading for anyone studying or working in disability studies, history of medicine, social history and the history of ideas. Contents List of figures page vi Series editors’ foreword vii Acknowledgements viii List of abbreviations ix 1 Pre-/conceptions: problems of definition and historiography 1 2 From morio to fool: semantics of intellectual disability 31 3 Cold complexions and moist humors: natural science and intellectual disability 53 4 The infantile and the irrational: mind, soul and intellectual disability 96 5 Non-consenting adults: laws and intellectual disability 140 6 Fools, pets and entertainers: socio-cultural considerations of intellectual disability 184 7 Reconsiderations: rationality, intelligence and human status 221 Select bibliography 234 Index 242 Рецензии: https://www.academia.edu/31258032/Black_on_Metzler_Fools_and_Idiots_Intellectual_Disability_in_the_Middle_Ages https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/tmr/article/view/23835 https://dsq-sds.org/article/view/7445/5529 Автор: https://irinametzler.org https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/arts-and-humanities/academic/metzleri/ http://opac.regesta-imperii.de/lang_en/autoren.php?name=Metzler%2C+Irina

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